Frequently Asked Questions

Is your child wanting to become more independent and take control of his or her life but not sure how to do it? Academic and Life Skills Coaching may be the answer.

What is coaching?

Academic and Life Skills Coaching is a collaborative, active process that helps students create goals and a vision for their future. The coaching process is there to guide students as they develop self-awareness, systems, and strategies to help them achieve their vision.     

Who is the client?

The student is the client and has control over the direction of the coaching process.  

What happens at the intake session?

An intake session is usually the first time I meet in person with parents and the student. Together, we take some time discussing issues and concerns, and I explain how the coaching process works. Then, I spend time alone with the student looking at current habits and systems as well as getting a better feel for what the student would like to work on. This is a time for all concerned to get to know each other and decide if we would like to move forward with coaching sessions.  


How are the goals decided?

Information is obtained from the student, parents, and all people related to the student’s life and success. Based on the information gathered, the student and I work together to create goals that address the most pressing needs of the student.  

When and where are student coaching sessions held?

In the beginning, student coaching sessions are usually held once or twice a week for 45-60 minutes. They can take place at a student’s home, school (if permitted), library, or local café. As students experience success with their new strategies, coaching sessions may become more infrequent until, finally, they are no longer needed.   

What is check-in and accountability?

At the end of each coaching session, the student and I will decide together how best to arrange for check-in and accountability. Check-ins often take the form of a text or email to let me know how things are going with the actions agreed upon at the last session. 


How long does student coaching last?

This is a difficult question to answer, as each person is different. Some students have a few very specific goals they want to achieve, and once those are accomplished, they are ready to stop coaching. Other students find coaching support helpful for a variety of academic and life skills and will spend many months or years working on one goal after another. Because any work of this nature requires time to see results, I ask for students to commit to a minimum of 10 sessions. As always, though, the student is in control and may request to stop coaching at any time.  

Am I ready for student coaching?

If you are a student who  

  • recognizes there are areas of academic and/or personal life where you are struggling
  • is willing to brainstorm with me to come up with new strategies to try
  • would like a safe, non-judgmental place to explore ways to make things better  

Then you are ready for coaching!  

Further questions?

If you have any questions or would just like a chance to talk more about the coaching process, feel free to text, email, or call me. I love talking with students and their parents about the positive results that Academic and LIfe Skills Coaching can bring to their lives.
